photo: chris upperman

Announcing the Davis Bradley "OldTime Radio Show." Airs every Saturday from 12-2 pm on Pure Country WSVS, Crewe, Va 97.1 Fm 800 Am or Stream live @ www.wsvsamfm.com. Brought to you by Hood Brother's Auto Sales, Lunenburg, Va. www.hoodbrothersautosales.com
You can purchase any one of our 4 Cd's or Christmas Dvd & accompanying Ep Cd by visiting our store.
*Latest RELEASE*
"Believing in the Old Time Way"

"Wings of A Dove" Music Video

Here's a single from "New Days & Old Ways" CD "Single Girl, Married Girl." Available at the following links: https://store.cdbaby.com/cd/davisbradley3Amazon & Itunes. Email us for a Free MP3 Download when you join our mailing list. @ info@davisbradley.org RadioHost : http://www.airplaydirect.com/music/NewDaysOldWays/

Radio Interview on Jan. 10, 2018 on "The Bluegrass Retrospect" show featuring Brett Smeltzer, DJ of The Bluegrass Jamboree. Check out some insights and behind the scenes of the making of the latest CD, "New Days & Old Ways." www.thebluegrassjamboree.com
Davis Bradley Music Video
An Original song, "Memories Trunk" from "New Days & Old Ways" CD music video featuring Davis Bradley's Kathy Davis, Brad Bishop & special guest, Marshall Wilborn on bass. Filmed at the Wayside Inn in Middletown, Va.
Music Video of an Original from "Into the Blue", by Davis Bradley called, "Lover's Leap".
db Sponsors

Can we say Thank-you enough to our sponsor,Glenn Hood of Hood Brothers Inc.
in Lunenburg, Va. He and all his great staff helped to put Davis Bradley in our db Sprinter and now keeps our new Chevrolet Suburban running smooth and on the road to many more shows. www.hoodbrothersautosales.com

Upcoming Shows
Sat. Feb. 22
Marathon Jam, American Legion Post 275 Severn, MD 12-8 pm. DB onstage 12:45 pm
Fri. April. 04
Bill's Pickin' Parlor, West Columbia, SC 7-9 pm
Sat. April. 05
Old Darlington Post Office, Darlington, SC 5:45-8:15 pm
Fri. June 13
Lorraine's Coffeehouse & Music, Garner, NC 7-9 pm
Sat. June 14
Earl Theater "Merry Go Round". Mt. Airy, NC 11-12 pm
Sat. June 14
Prissy Polly's BBQ, kernersville, NC 5-7 pm
Sun. June 15
Big Walker Lookout, Wytheville, Va 2-4 pm
Sat. Sept. 20
Frostburg Appalachian Festival, Frostburg, Md 10-5 pm
Davis Bradley is proud to partner with Ear Trumpet Labs. Sculptural, functional, beautiful microphones hand-built in Portland, OR. www.eartrumpetlabs.com; www.facebook.com/eartrumperlabs;
Sat. Oct. 11
Big Walker Lookout, Wytheville, Va 11-1 pm
Sat. Oct. 11
Prissy Polly's, Kernersville, NC 5-7 pm

Sun. Oct. 12
Thurs.- Sat.
Nov. 20-22
Mt. Airy Fall Festival, Mt. Airy, NC
4-5 pm
Bluegrass Christmas In The Smokies Festival, Gatlinburg, TN Convention Center
For tickets:
Jordan Entertainment Krissy at 919-609-6740 citsbluegrass@gmail.com
Staci at (919) 779-5672 Stacijordanent@gmail.com

Davis Bradley endorses D'Addario Strings and Planet Waves! Check out our Artist Profile @
http://daddario.com/DaddarioArtistDetails.Page?=Davis_Bradley ALSO Martha Crow Instrument Straps. Check them out @: https://www.etsy.com/shop/MBCCustom
Davis Bradley is proudly sponsored by Blue Chip Picks. For a durable, widely used pick, check out their website today. www.bluechippick.net

* For more shows Check back for updates or Davis Bradley Facebook.
For booking info. contact:
Brad A. Bishop - bbishop4@hotmail.com
Kathy Davis - k_davis62@hotmail.com

Hard work, pays off.
RICHMOND, Va – Kathy Davis and Bradley Bishop joined forces, combining their bluegrass, old time, and swing influences to create the unique musical experience that is Davis & Bradley. They combine a medley of strings and harmonies to create a dynamic sound that is both cutting edge while remaining true to their roots.
“Davis Bradley” made a return appearance on “Virginia This Morning”.
"Virginia This Morning." 2017/03/06

It's all about balancing.... ;)

Believing in the Oldtime Way....

Davis Bradley’s *Strumming Bluegrass Jam "Virginia This Morning" WTVR-6 RIchmond April 6, 2018
Picture Album
Dear Brad and Kathy,I wanted to send you a thank you note, but did not have an address so was excited to find your page on FB. And then a bonus to find a video of the two of you performing “I Heard the Bluebirds Sing”! Thank you, thank you, and thank you for making our wedding day so very special. I still can’t listen to the song without tearing up--but they are tears of joy and happy memories of our wedding day. I have shared a YouTube version with several people, but am so excited to have a video with the two of you. We can’t wait until the next time we see you in a performance. Blessings to you both our dear friends,
B & M Gibson 4/22/2014
Contact us if we can be a part of your wedding day or special celebration!

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